7 things sunday
Seven Things... Thursday: Seven Things I Love This Week
Thursday, January 23, 2014I guess we found out what vacation means for me when it comes to blogging. I've been lazy. If I've been at home, I've only been laying in bed all day catching up on tv shows. I just haven't gotten around to doing much of anything else (while at home, I mean), but better late than never, right?
1. This past Thursday, Andre and I celebrated five years of togetherness. We have had fantastic times, and truly terrible times, but we've made it through the thick and thin and I cannot wait to spend many more years with him. He's always on my list of favorite things, but I thought I'd share that with y'all, too.
Here's a fun little picture of us from when we first starting hanging out back in 2008.

2. Speaking of our five-year anniversary, Andre got me a wonderful watch that I will forever cherish. It's a lot like one that make sister had when she was in high school back in the 90s. It's possible that's why I love it so much, but regardless, Andre did fantastic getting it for me.
3. And of course I was on vacation these past two weeks, so of course we had some fun adventures. We went bowling one night with my parents, sister and brother-in-law, and Andre's best friend. Of course that was a blast and super affordable. We went out to eat, a lot (maybe a little too often.)
Another night, we went out to Dave and Buster's (a super fun adult arcade-restaurant hybrid) with my sister and brother-in-law. That was really awesome. I'd never been and it's something I would absolutely love to do it again.
My favorite day, however, was a day that Andre and I spent together in Atlanta. We went to the Georgia Aquarium (the WORLD'S largest aquarium) and just spent the whole day walking around. We go to Atlanta somewhat regularly, since we live less than an hour away, however, I had never been to the aquarium. It was a little pricey, but it was definitely worth it. I was a huge baby and cried because of all of the beauty and how the world just carries so much of it. I'm definitely one to stop and "smell the roses," so getting to see so many different graceful, lovely animals broke my heart in the best way possible.
Here are some of my favorite pictures from the trip:
(That's me in the fabulous penguin bubble!)
4. Also, during my two weeks off, I've been shopping way more than I should have, but in my defense, tons of thrift shopping. One of my better finds were these brand new Lucky Brand slip-ons that I found for two dollars at one of my local Goodwills.
5. Florals are always pretty regular in my wardrobe (remember by signature style and all that "girlyness" talk?) Well, now that spring is approaching (okay, we've got weeks to go, but hopefully it's sooner than later), florals are the perfect addition to start adding to your dreary winterware. Whether they're bold or subtle, have all the colors of the rainbow or are monochromatic, there's a floral piece out there for everyone.
Here are a few pieces that are already in my closet and you can look forward to seeing in the future with outfit posts:
6. In the South, we because used to heat and humidity, so when January comes around and temperatures are below freezing, it's a surprise. Every. Single. Year. We all freeze half to death, we freak out, and we don't leave the house unless we have to. Because of this weather being so cold and dry, my lips really take a beating. I already have extremely chapped lips, but in the winter, it's so bad that sometimes I wake up to my lips bleeding because they bust open in the middle of the night. There is only one thing that helps my poor, pitiful lips--- Burt's Bees. I swear by this stuff. It's fantastic and I recommend it to anyone, whether your lips are extremely chapped or hardly chapped. I have tried tons of stuff and this truly is what helps me. The secret is, Burt's is all natural. Other big brand lip balms have a form of alcohol as a main ingredient. This is a trick, because the alcohol dries your lips out more, making you have to constantly apply and reapply and buy and buy and buy. Not Burt's!

7. I am madly in love with this song by this guy. I first heard this song sung by Will Champlin while my sister was watching the Voice and I automatically knew I loved this song. Regardless of who sings it, the song itself is phenomenal, but John Newman has a soulful voice of gold. I have been listening to all of his song's on repeat and you will too. His voice is unique and everything music needs to be today. Don't get me wrong, I do listen to mainstream pop music, because it's poppy and catchy, but a voice like Newman's is one that desperately needs to be heard. Not to mention, we were born on the same day of the same year! That means we're connected somehow, right?
So, how has your week been and what are your seven things this week?