How to Live Like the Weekend Never Ends
Wednesday, July 18, 2018

If I'm being honest, every single Sunday becomes a dreadful disarray. I love my job. I really, truly do. But there's something about the weekend that envelopes me in happiness and rejuvenates my soul. So, it's important to me that I throw some of that soul rejuvenation into those five weekdays that suck my energy away.

I'm introverted. In fact, my MBTI type is INFJ - which consist of overly kind people who also need to crawl into a hole away from everyone as a basic skill of survival. I can enjoy people, and I work in an office that's full of wonderfully kind, but also exuberant individuals. Not to mention my daily tasks include one-on-one meetings back-to-back-to-back (10-13 on average each day during peak times). So, when I'm finished at work, I come home mostly exhausted. I tend to curl up and read or watch tv, then spend some time with hubby before crashing fairly late because I felt I had too much to accomplish in the 4ish hours I've got at home in the evening.
So, how do I allow weekend rituals to seep into my weekdays?
How does that motivate me to accomplish my goals?
How can it help you, too?
Keep reading. I'm getting there.
1. Immediately slip into something comfy.
Seriously, 5:30 on a Tuesday rolls around and you may see me rolling the trashcan to the street in my pjs, or some leggings in the least. My favorites are these high-waisted ones from Girlfriend Collective. I'm also a fan of lounging in oversized teeshirts, or bras that feel like they're barely there (wireless are forever my favorites).
2. Find something I love and do it for at least an hour each evening. Make it a priority.
For me, it's reading. I've got to get that book time in every single day - somehow, someway. It's one of the way I tend to meet my reading goals.
3. Get in physical activity the lazy way.
I enjoy going to the gym after the fact, but getting there is rough. Not to mention I hate to wake up early, don't want to return from lunch sweaty, and want to get home to spend time with the hubby after work. So, where do I get physical activity in without losing the time for the other things I want to do? I'm warning you - it's certainly the lazy way. I turn on the tv (whatever show I want to watch at the times - The Handmaid's Tale, Sharp Objects, whatever - and I walk, walk, walk in place. Using my Apple Watch, I make sure to fill all three rings, and hit at least 10,000 steps, and most days I'm successful. I don't use a treadmill or elliptical or anything, but I still get my heart rate up and get a little sweaty. Since we have basic Hulu, we've got commercials, so during those I typically pick up the pace to a light run or jog.
4. Utilize your lunch hour.
Actually take a break during your lunch hour to do whatever feels good for you. Like I mentioned previously, I work in a very energetic office, so I usually take my lunch time for just myself. Yes, sometimes I'll grab lunch with a friend, but typically, I dim the lights in my office and read and enjoy my lunch. It may be something different for you. But for me - it makes me feel so much more myself to finish out the day energized.
5. Know what gives you energy and find a way to give that to yourself during the day.
More or less, see above. But I know I need alone time throughout the day, so whether it's lunch, the drive home, or quiet time at the house - I make sure to get in quiet time when I can.
6. Sometimes plan events on weeknights. You're an adult, it's okay to make those decisions.
Every few months, I may go to a play on a weeknight with my sister. I've got MoviePass now, so it's totally cool to go see a movie on a Wednesday. Or maybe it's grabbing dinner with the hubby or some friends, but going to events during the weekday are a surefire way to make the week feel like the weekend (even if you're a little tired at work the next day).
7. Don't forget to utilize vacation or paid time-off your job offers.
Paid time-off is 100% there for a reason. Seriously, studies show it makes employees more productive, so take off a day or two in the middle of the week! I'm certainly not judging you for it.
How do you carry that weekend feeling all week long?