Five Things to Customize Your Scrapbook With (Besides Photos!)

I've been working a lot lately (off and on) on our wedding scrapbook. I bought a photo printer on clearance at Target back before Christ...

I've been working a lot lately (off and on) on our wedding scrapbook. I bought a photo printer on clearance at Target back before Christmas, and I printed and cut-out the 200-something photos to work on the scrapbook with, and they all ended up being the wrong size! Luckily right now, Shutterfly has all of their 4x6 and 4x4 prints for free- just pay shipping. So I ordered all the photos in the correct size and I'm waiting for them to all arrive.
Luckily, however, I've got the layout of the photos completed, so when I receive my prints, I just have to curve the edges with my handy-dandy curved edge punch and I'm good to go. I do need to purchase a few more photo sleeves, but the layout is obviously the most tedious thing.
Working on this major scrapbook project has had me thinking of all the fun ways to customize scrapbooks, and I wanted to share the ideas I've had with you, my readers!

I use a 3-ring scrapbook with photo pages/protectors with pre-sized slots, so when it comes to putting memories together, I may not have extra photos to fill those one or two extra squares with, so the below ideas are some to be used to fill those extra slots.

1, Watercolor, paint, markers, etc.- Using a piece of cardstock and painting/coloring it with a fun design, or even just a scribble and word can add some fun color to the page.
2. Notes- Notes can come in a variety of ways, It can be a note jotted down about a memory, a note from a friend or your hubby, or even song lyrics. Words on the page break up the monotony.
3. Trinkets, keepsakes, etc.- Tickets to a movie or a show, buttons, or even a coffee sleeve. This is a great place to keep those fun keepsakes in a place where you will look at them again.
4. Confetti- Why not? Just make sure to seal off the slot so you don't end up with a mess later!
5. Stickers, stamps, and cut-outs- Similar to the "watercolor, paint, markers, etc." suggestion, this is something fun that just adds to the page.

What extras do you use when scrapbooking?

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  1. These are really fun ideas to make a scrapbook unique!
