I am always looking for a way to be healthier, and I'm terrible at it. I overeat and I'm too lazy to exercise regularly. I was doing well until I started back in school (I know. Excuses, excuses.), and then I was just too exhausted to do anything before or after work and classes.

So, during the month of December, I participated in a teatox with SkinnyMint. I wasn't expecting a lot, to be honest. All I really did was drink some tea, and made no lifestyle changes, however when I took my after picture (see below), I was honestly surprised with the results I saw. Let's be honest, we all eat too much during the holidays, and that held true for me, too. Again, I didn't do any exercise or change my eating habits. I just drank a morning boost tea in the morning when I woke up, and a night cleanse every other night before bed. That's it! The tea tastes delicious (with a bit of a minty taste to it), and it can be drank iced or hot.

The teatox is meant to be completed over 28 days. The morning boost to be drank each morning before or with breakfast, and the night cleanse to be drank every other evening before bed. It's recommended that the night cleanse should not be completed for more than the 28-day period. Both the morning and night teas are all natural and should be used to help kickstart a healthy lifestyle.*
This is definitely something I would try again in the future. With a little diet and exercise next time, I think I could definitely jump start a healthier lifestyle, and SkinnyMint Teatox is just the start.

I know the change isn't anything dramatic, but it's definitely something. While I'm still a little chubby, I definitely felt less bloated throughout the 28 days, and I hope this helps me to kick off a more healthy lifestyle routine. SkinnyMint was such a great product to help me start off 2017 just right. I hope you will join me and SkinnyMint to help make 2017 your #BestYearEver!
Have you teatoxed before or have you wanted to try a teatox? Let me know below!
*This is not an instant weight loss miracle.
I was given one 28-Day Teatox free for an honest review. No additional compensation was given.
You can totally see a difference! That's awesome.
ReplyDeleteYeah! I definitely wasn't expecting to see a difference whatsoever, so I was really impressed!
DeleteI'm so happy you shared a review of it because I keep seeing these detox teas everywhere but I never knew if they actually worked or not. I can definitely tell a difference in your photos, so it's great to know that they work. I drink tea all the time just for the heck of it so it would be cool to drink it and have some benefits too.
ReplyDeleteI didn't really think it would make a difference, but it did. It's definitely something you should look into to if you're interested in that!