Why I Love My Blog (+ a Giveaway!)

I think we're so often down on ourselves about many things, and as bloggers, I think a lot of us think that our blogs just aren&#...

I think we're so often down on ourselves about many things, and as bloggers, I think a lot of us think that our blogs just aren't good enough. There are shining examples of beautiful blogs out there, and that's wonderful. There are others that may not be as visually appealing, and that's okay, too! So, on this final day of the love month (and the #loveblog2017 link-ups), I wanted to talk about ways to love your blog (regardless of how novice or experienced you are), things I love about my blog, and ask you to connect with me on Bloglovin' and my social channels.

How to love your blog
1. Write about what you love, what you know, and what you're interested in.
2. Don't do it for the money, or for free stuff. (But hey! That's not so bad either.)
3. Be consistent, but don't be hard on yourself if you don't post every day or if you have a lag between postings.
4. Remember why you started blogging and what keeps you blogging. Seriously, if you enjoy it - do it! If you're not enjoying it so much - take a break!

What I love about a paper arrow
1. It's fun.
2. It's honest.
3. It's all me.

Connect with me
on Instagram, Bloglovin', Twitter, Facebook, and Pinterest

What are your favorite things about your personal blog?

To join the link-up, make sure to add your link at the site below, and don't forget to link back to me and your other hosts!

The #LoveBlog2017 giveaway starts 02/01/2017 and runs through 02/28/2017. While we love our international readers, this is limited to US residents only due to legal restrictions. To learn more about all the sponsors, check out Belle Brita all month long!

Meet your hosts:


Brita is the pink and sparkly personality behind the Christian feminist lifestyle blog, Belle Brita. While her first love will always be Paris, she lives happily with her husband Daniel Fleck in the Atlanta area. 

Charlene is a 20-something wife and fur mama living in Ohio. She uses her blog, Enduring All Things, to inspire young wives to keep God first and their husbands second in everything they do.

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  1. These are such important things to remember! Blogging has to be for yourself, first and foremost. All of the things that come along with it are added perks.

  2. These are some great things that are so important to remember. If you lose focus and start blogging only for the money, it's not fun anymore.

  3. These are all great ways to love your blog! Each of us has a unique voice, and there's a place for all of us in the blogosphere.

    1. I agree! I think everyone has a place and are all a part of this wonderful community.

  4. Love this! It's so important to realize that it's about YOU loving your blog, first and foremost. Then everybody else. ;)

    1. YES, YES! So many people forget this or tend to lose their way and it's so important to make it fun for you! If it's not, don't do it! :)
