books & reading
Book Review: Feminists Don't Wear Pink & Other Lies by Scarlett Curtis
Thursday, January 03, 2019

POPSUGAR Reading Challenge Prompt: A book with your favorite color in the title
Brief synopsis: A collection of essays, poems, and snippets about what it means to be a feminist, including further reading and a brief history of the movement.
It was much harder than I anticipated to find a book to satisfy this prompt. Most books with the word "pink" in the title were entirely out of my genre interests and I had no intention of reading them. It literally took me all year to come across Feminist Don't Wear Pink & Other Lies, which is almost textbook-ish in its ways. It includes commentary, stories, snippets, essays, poems (etc) from feminists around the globe.
I enjoyed the fact that it wasn't a book full of white feminism, but included women from so many walks of life, cultures, and ideas. It ideally expressed that feminism is not one-size-fits-all, but instead can be formed and shaped to individual women.
Additionally, some background about the feminist movement (including the different waves) was included. And Emma Watson provided a section of further feminist reading (including fiction and non-fiction titles).
It was a quick read, informational, and somewhere I will go in the future for thoughts and ideas I develop personally because there's even a section at the back of the book to take notes, include your thoughts, etc.
I do think I would have enjoyed more perspectives from "everyday women" instead of mostly famous individuals or celebrities (of same shape/form) so I could maybe connect in that way a little more, but overall - great information, a quick read, and likely helpful for individuals just now discovering feminism and what it means to them. It's definitely a great starter read!