Ten Scrapbook Themes

I've only recently got back into scrapbooking. I did it all the time as a kid, through elementary and middle school, but just recent...

I've only recently got back into scrapbooking. I did it all the time as a kid, through elementary and middle school, but just recently started scrapbooking as an adult. I'm currently (and have been for a while) working on our wedding scrapbook, which also includes honeymoons pictures. I've come to a halt, as the photo pages I need are currently "available soon," so I'm having to wait to carry on with a stack of pictures I have waiting. But I thought about some themes that would be great to make for future albums, and wanted to share with y'all. Here are the themes I liked as my top ten choices.

Instead of going the traditional route of making a regular wedding album, go the scrapbook route. Add in things like invitations, programs, and wedding favors.

Take the wedding scrapbook a bit further, and make a new scrapbook for each year of marriage. I'm actually working on combining our wedding/honeymoon/first year of marriage into one large scrapbook as our first one.

Purchase a small instagram album (4 x 4 inches) to create a scrapbook for your pet or pets. We have one just for Courage!

Creating a scrapbook for your children is an obvious choice to create a scrapbook for.

If you're big on travelling, a travel scrapbook would be wonderful. You can add in extras like napkins or ticket stubs, et cetera.

Create a family album; sisters and brothers, parents, extended family, etc.

You could do this in several different way. You could use the small instagram album for month by month photos, or one large album to capture the full year. There are actually kits for these types of projects.

These are great to use as gifts. We created small wedding albums for our mothers for this past Christmas. (You can see that here.)

This would be great for big life changes, such as weight loss. You could capture the journey of the change on a regular, or day by day, basis.

This one could be a fun option, almost like a blog. You could capture hair and make up looks, or outfits of the day, et cetera.

What are some options you have made scrapbooks for? What is your favorite way to scrapbook?

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  1. I love the idea of doing a scrapbook of the day-to-day! I've never seen that before.

    1. It's not something I've done before, but would love to in the future. Being me, though, I feel the need for it to begin on January 1 to make a yearly scrapbook.
