Want to Transition to a Plant-Based Diet? Avoid These 3 Mistakes

  *This is a collaborative post. Are you thinking about trying out a plant-based diet? It has plenty of perks, including a lower risk of car...


*This is a collaborative post.

Are you thinking about trying out a plant-based diet? It has plenty of perks, including a lower risk of cardiovascular diseases and other chronic ailments. Compared to animal products, a plant-based diet supplies the body with heart-friendly fiber, minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants. What’s more, foods in a plant-based diet have lower levels of cholesterol and saturated fats.

But the health benefits don’t stop there. According to Harvard Medical School, a plant-based diet helps to prevent high blood pressure, certain types of cancers, hyperglycemia, and high cholesterol. But in order to make the switch, avoid the following three mistakes.

Being impatient

The first mistake to avoid is being impatient. When switching to a plant-based diet, it's common to feel irritable, hungry, and fatigued. This is normal when really changing to any new way of eating, and the symptoms typically go away after a few days. But you'll most likely feel much better after eliminating processed foods from your diet – fake meats, packaged snacks, fast food, and sugary drinks. To successfully transition to a plant-based diet, start slow to allow your body to adjust. You can get started by adding in plant-based foods you enjoy and then gradually cutting down the processed foods.

Skimping on meat

Transitioning to a plant-based diet doesn’t necessarily mean eliminating meat. However, it does encourage limited consumption, and this can be challenging for most people. This is because meat is the main source of protein.

Protein is essential for many bodily processes, from brain health to hormone balance, to maintaining muscle mass. Therefore, you need to substitute the meat proteins with plant-based proteins from other foods - like chickpeas, tofu, and legumes. Your body may crave animal-based proteins, and to avoid this, you can get plant-based meats. According to a No Evil Foods Review, plant-based meats not only improve your health, but also save the environment and animals.

Ignoring nutritional shortfalls

The body gets a significant amount of nutrients from animal products. Although a plant-based diet can also provide these nutrients, not planning your diet properly may cause some nutrient deficiencies. For instance, you may have trouble getting enough iron, omega-3 fatty acids, zinc, and B12. So when switching to a plant-based diet, you'll want to plan on where to get all the essential nutrients that keep your body healthy.

Vitamin B12 is essential for neurological functioning and the formation of healthy cells. While animal-based foods like eggs, meat, fish, and dairy are rich in this vitamin, it can be sourced from fortified cereals and nutritional yeast. You can also get enough iron to keep your muscles healthy from foods like spinach, fortified oatmeal, kale, nuts, beans, and seeds. Remember to pair your plant-based iron with foods that are rich in vitamin C, such as citrus fruits, bell peppers, and strawberries to help increase iron absorption.

Start Your Journey Today - Swapping animal-based diets with plant-based diets is linked to several long-term health benefits. This explains why this trend is quickly gaining traction. However, for a smooth transition, you should be patient, find proper nutrients, and eat less meat.

Would you try a plant-based diet?

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